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Tag: schools

Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Please support our crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary by donating here. 40 years after Brighton Bomb – building bridges across the divide. PLEASE SUPPORT AND BE A PART OF AN INSPIRATIONAL year which will focus on shared humanity and compassion. In these divided times we will be spreading kindness and compassion world wide. concentrating on how to change from dehumanising to rehumanising, and how we move from blaming others to having unbounded empathy. Enhancing our crucial peace building work This…

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Our work in schools during Covid.

Our work in schools during Covid.

We received  funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund to make a difference to young people living in communities affected by Covid 19. We impacted more than 1000 young people and 50 young people in ongoing smaller groups. The smaller groups were from a school in Tower Hamlets and other places were Manchester, Leeds, Gloucestershire, Cheshire, London and Birmingham. The workshops covered developing resilience and empathy, transforming anger, listening skills, self-care, self-esteem, resolving…

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Supporting young people

Supporting young people

We have funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund to make a difference to young people living in communities affected by Covid 19. We will help them strengthen  their voice, resilience and empathy to become positive change makers. Jo Berry can start with her presentation of sharing the story of losing her father in a terrorist attack and how she turned the trauma around to working around the world for peace. This included…

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Happy New Year 2020 message

Happy New Year 2020 message

Happy New Year to all my dear friends who are from all over the world. Thank you for the incredible support and love which has touched me deeply and empowered me to do more in the world to help create peace. It has been a phenomenal year in which I have been blessed to work with many young people in schools, linked with amazing people in Northern Ireland, spoken at a world peace conference in south Korea, and so much…

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Building Bridges for Peace through schools – an appeal

Building Bridges for Peace through schools – an appeal

Thirty five years ago, a bomb exploded in a Brighton hotel. Jo Berry’s father was killed and Jo’s life was changed. She was 27 when the bomb went off and she vowed to bring something positive out of the atrocity. Thirty five years later Jo’s commitment to work building bridges for peace is as strong as ever. Currently we have some funding for Jo to work with under 16’s in a few schools in the East End of London. Jo…

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Newsletter – October 2019

Newsletter – October 2019

Welcome to my first newsletter! After what I know is a long time since the last one, from now on we will be sending them out every two months with our and related news. So please encourage your friends and colleagues to subscribe on our website. Of course, if you don’t want to receive it, there is an UNsubscribe link and the bottom. 35th Anniversary “Last weekend was the 35th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb that changed my life. I…

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Ubuntu Academy in Portugal

Ubuntu Academy in Portugal

20 September 2019 Jo Berry and Patrick Magee were asked back for the second time to speak with the young people from the Academy of Ubuntu leaders. Jo reports on the trip: ‘We gathered in Gaia near Porto and the audience represented 11 countries including East Timor, Columbia, Venezuela, Senegal, South Africa, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe. ‘We started with a boat journey through the bridges of the city which was relevant as the theme was the…

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Towards a stronger Britain project report

Towards a stronger Britain project report

The Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) programme supports civil society and community organisations who work to create more resilient communities, stand up to extremism in all its forms and offer vulnerable individuals a positive alternative, regardless of race, faith, sexuality, age and gender. The programme allows organisations that share these aims to bid for in-kind support and grant funding for specific programmes that deliver goals set out in the Counter Extremism Strategy. Building Bridges were successful in their bid…

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Becoming Positive Changemakers

Becoming Positive Changemakers

In September 2019 Jo went back for a third time to Sacred Heart school in Liverpool. She spent a day with the first year of six form and another day with the second year. After starting with her story, she then asked them to look at themes throughout the day in small groups. The areas they covered were, forgiveness, media, their anger and sense of injustice and questions such as what is a terrorist. In the afternoon they worked on…

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Building a Stronger Britain Together

Building a Stronger Britain Together

Jo Berry with some students at Langdon Park School which is one of the  schools we will be working in. New Funding Building Bridges is thrilled to have received funding to work in school in Tower Hamlets. The project will be carried out in schools, ‘Schools partnership for empathy based mutual respect’. As well as being deliver the work we love to do we are now part of a network of others countering extremism. We are providing a positive alternative to…

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