Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Please support our crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary by donating here.

40 years after Brighton Bomb – building bridges across the divide. PLEASE SUPPORT AND BE A PART OF AN INSPIRATIONAL year which will focus on shared humanity and compassion. In these divided times we will be spreading kindness and compassion world wide. concentrating on how to change from dehumanising to rehumanising, and how we move from blaming others to having unbounded empathy.

Enhancing our crucial peace building work

This year is the 40th anniversary of the IRA Brighton bombing which led to the formation of Building Bridges for Peace  charity. We have been promoting peace and conflict transformation ever since through unbounded empathy and compassion. This work enables communities fractured by war, divisiveness and hate to restore peace, justice and hope for the future. A peaceful planet seems further away than ever. In these polarised times, peacebuilding is particularly crucial.

Working towards a more compassionate world 

We are looking for your help to mark this anniversary, a year-long programme of events to equip local communities and young people understand the roots of discord and conflict. We will work together to compassionately listen to each other, appreciate our shared humanity, turn from othering to reconciliation, share experiences of restorative justice and focus on healing to create stronger, more caring and more peaceful communities.

Enhancing our crucial peace building work

This year is the 40th anniversary of the IRA Brighton bombing which led to the formation of Building Bridges for Peace  charity. We have been promoting peace and conflict transformation ever since through unbounded empathy and compassion. This work enables communities fractured by war, divisiveness and hate to restore peace, justice and hope for the future. A peaceful planet seems further away than ever. In these polarised times, peacebuilding is particularly crucial.

Working towards a more compassionate world 

We are looking for your help to mark this anniversary, a year-long programme of events to equip local communities and young people understand the roots of discord and conflict. We will work together to compassionately listen to each other, appreciate our shared humanity, turn from othering to reconciliation, share experiences of restorative justice and focus on healing to create stronger, more caring and more peaceful communities.

Based on an extraordinary story of unbounded empathy 

Jo Berry founded the charity when her father, Hon. Sir Anthony Berry MP, was killed in the 1984 IRA bombing in Brighton, UK in which five people were killed and many injured. Vowing to bring something positive out of the trauma, Jo eventually met Patrick Magee the man responsible for planting the bomb. Gradually, through recognising their shared humanity, they developed mutual respect and a desire to contribute to a more peaceful world. Since then, by sharing a platform on more than three hundred occasions in conflict zones around the world, Jo and Pat have been promoting the power of empathy to encourage  reconciliation and peace.


Building lasting understanding and unity across communities

At our in-person and on-line events in the UK, Northern Ireland, Europe and the Middle East we will listen deeply to the voices less often heard, bring communities together and build partnerships with other peacebuilding organisations. We will be reaching school children, diverse local community networks and policy makers and politicians. At the end of the year we will highlight all events, themes and outcomes, which everyone involved will contribute to as a permanent record.


Jo will be available for talks, workshops and one-to-one sessions and any funds raised will be added to this campaign.

Your donation will make such a positive difference

Our detailed plans include a public event at St James, Piccadilly, London with an in-conversation with Pat and Jo reflecting on their journey together, peace tours to Northern Ireland, a parliamentary gathering, change-makers workshops in schools in the UK to enable them to develop their own projects, a women’s conference and community led circles exploring local challenges and ways of resolving them.

All these activities will incur costs such as venues, publicity, admin, time and cannot go ahead without your support.


  It was a privilege to talk to Jo in person. Jo’s life and work over the past three decades is testimony to an extraordinary individual. The empathy, humanity and wisdom inherent in the steps Jo has taken, and continues to take, defines the notion of building bridges for peace and is an inspiration for those of us who work to reimagine what it takes to transform relationships broken by conflict.

Jonathan Cohen Executive Director at Conciliation Resources

I have never felt so empowered in my life. I am able to voice my opinions without fear. I was able to be less resentful towards a certain group by being allowed to express my feelings. Sometimes having someone that could listen to you, frees the hate inside of you.

School student age 16. Tower Hamlets

Jo has helped us to realise that we are all important. I feel as though we have been heard and listened to. I have learnt that my voice is important. I gained a lot of skills. I have learned leaderships skills and being more empathetic. Jo has helped me to voice my opinions and that our collective voice is important.

School student age 16. Tower Hamlets

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