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Author: Jo Berry

Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary of the Brighton Bomb

Please support our crowdfunder for the 40th anniversary by donating here. 40 years after Brighton Bomb – building bridges across the divide. PLEASE SUPPORT AND BE A PART OF AN INSPIRATIONAL year which will focus on shared humanity and compassion. In these divided times we will be spreading kindness and compassion world wide. concentrating on how to change from dehumanising to rehumanising, and how we move from blaming others to having unbounded empathy. Enhancing our crucial peace building work This…

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Kindness festival – 40 years of Building Bridges

Kindness festival – 40 years of Building Bridges

Time & Location 20 Mar 2024, 19:00 – 21:00 Frome Town Hall, Christchurch St W, Frome BA11 1EB, UK About The Event “I’m not an extraordinary person, but something extraordinary happened to me,” says Frome resident Jo Berry. After her father was killed in the Brighton bomb of 1984, Jo reached out to the ex-IRA combatant Patrick Magee who had planted it. Determined to avoid bitterness and blame, she’s been in an unprecedented dialogue with Patrick for the past 24…

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The Festival of Education

The Festival of Education

On July the 7th, Pat and Jo gave their first talk in person after a few years break. The response was amazing and the feedback and photos below capture the session very well. The title was ‘Making peace with the Enemy’, and the questions carried on after the talk was finished. Jo Berry and Pat Magee first met in 2000 in Dublin in a private house after his release from prison under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. In 1984…

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Leeds Festival Of Kindness, Compassion & Wellbeing 10th – 16th OCTOBER 2021

Leeds Festival Of Kindness, Compassion & Wellbeing 10th – 16th OCTOBER 2021

Jo Berry is giving a keynote on the anniversary of the Brighton Bomb in person on the 12th of October. 12 October 09:30 – 17:30 KindEx is an exciting conference sharing inspiring ideas and stories about kindness, compassion and wellbeing. Join us live! About this event The first ever KindEx (Kindness Exchange) conference will take place on Tuesday the 12th of October at Leeds Civic Hall. It’s like a TEDx but with a focus on kindness, compassion and wellbeing. You’ll…

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International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

Jo Berry  is joining a panel of  global peace builders on International Peace Day. Register on link below for the free event. Join us on September 21st — International Peace Day — from 1:00 – 2:30 PM EDT to meet and honor incredible peacemakers from all over the world who have suffered a tragic loss due to violence and conflict and have used the power of their pain to create a positive, meaningful change in the world. Speakers: • Jo…

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9/11 – 20 years on.

9/11 – 20 years on.

15 years ago Jo Berry was in USA with a very inspirational group, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows for a conference, Civilian Causalities, Civilian Solutions, and she says  it was a honour and a inspiration to be there for their 5th anniversary.  September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorro­ws is an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn our grief into action for peace. The participants for the conference came from…

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New Video by Jo Berry

New Video by Jo Berry

The latest talk from Jo Berry where she talks about the lessons she has been learning over the last 40 years. This recording is from the “Talking with the Enemy” online session, held by Tools for Changemakers on 19 April 2021.

TALK – Talking with the Enemy

TALK – Talking with the Enemy

  Jo  Berry is giving a talk and workshop on 19th of April  which is free and open to all. As founder of the charity Building Bridges for Peace, Jo believes unbounded empathy is the biggest weapon we have to end conflict. Her words offer a message of hope and encourage us to see the humanity in others, at a time when political, religious and racial divides are deepening. Jo will share her story, highlighting the lessons she has learnt over…

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Ubuntu Academy in Portugal

Ubuntu Academy in Portugal

20 September 2019 Jo Berry and Patrick Magee were asked back for the second time to speak with the young people from the Academy of Ubuntu leaders. Jo reports on the trip: ‘We gathered in Gaia near Porto and the audience represented 11 countries including East Timor, Columbia, Venezuela, Senegal, South Africa, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe. ‘We started with a boat journey through the bridges of the city which was relevant as the theme was the…

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Corrymeela in Exeter Weekend

Corrymeela in Exeter Weekend

17 – 18 Nov 2018 Exeter Hope in Conflict  – Saturday 17th November with Pádraig Ó Tuama. Venue: The Alumni Auditorium, The Forum, on Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, EX4 4PT. Registration at 9.30am for 10am start, finishes at 4.15pm. Open to those of all faiths and none. A summary of the Programme is available HERE. Discover creative ways to deal with conflict, from practitioners in different contexts: including Jo Berry, Jude Taylorson, Louisa  Burnand, Jayme Reaves, Rev Jonathan Herbert and…

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