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Tag: Workshop

Meaning Conference

Meaning Conference

Jo Berry is very happy to be a speaker and workshop facilitator at the Meaning Conference in Brighton Meaning is the annual gathering for people who believe business can and must be a force for positive change in our dynamic and volatile world. We are fellow travellers on a journey to discover new ways of working, living and organising that put humanity and planet above profit and growth. This year’s guest director is the journalist and broadcaster Paul Mason. In…

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Workshop in Ukraine

Workshop in Ukraine

Jo Berry was honoured to take part in a workshop in Eastern Ukraine with participants from Russia and Ukraine. This opportunity came from the extraordinary time at Global Youth Rising 2016 in Romania. She shared her story and then answered questions from the participants who were very interested in the process of transforming pain and how empathy can be a useful tool. As young people they were born into a hugely difficult complex situation yet were there to explore how…

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Jo Berry and Patrick Magee spoke to the Scarriff Foroige Youth Club

Jo Berry and Patrick Magee spoke to the Scarriff Foroige Youth Club

Jo Berry and Patrick Magee spoke to the Scarriff Foroige Youth Club as part of the Scariff Festival in Country Clare, Ireland. Tracey Doyle, the youth leader, wrote after, ‘It was an absolute pleasure to meet you both and listen to your story. Our members are carrying on the valuable conversation that was started during your workshop. I hope that they continue on to make the world a better place and continue to be ambassadors for peace and resolution following…

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Belfast Interface Project

Belfast Interface Project

Feedback from our work with Belfast Interface Project Over the period 2013 / 2014 Belfast Interface Project secured funding from N.I. Community Relations Council to deliver a program entitled ‘Past and Present’ which would involve a number of workshops / discussions to local communities in Belfast. These dialogue sessions would explore their experiences in reconciliation and dealing with the past. This project brought a lot of people but particularly victims and survivors together to experience a post conflict journey within…

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Workshop on Empathy

Workshop on Empathy

We were very happy to contribute to a 5 day programme looking at the Empathy Dynamics in Conflict Transformation. The project was the inspiration of Dr Lynne Cameron who is a Professor in Linguistics and analysed the metaphor in our language back in 2002. She started a project ‘Living with Uncertainty- Metaphor and the Dynamics of Empathy in Discourse’ in 2006 and now partners with Birmingham-based NGO Responding to Conflict. The workshop was part of a ongoing project to create…

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Jo Berry and Pat Magee visit Israel and Palestine

Jo Berry and Pat Magee visit Israel and Palestine

In April Pat Magee and Jo Berry went to Israel and Palestine for a 8 days speaking tour. It was a huge success with a mixture of talks and workshops, visiting projects and many meetings. “We spoke to some groups which were just Israeli, some just Palestinian and some with participants from both communities. We also spoke to a leading newspaper and a internet media and we were told that,   ‘I’m pretty confident we’ve reached tens of thousands Israelis, possibly hundreds of thousands…

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