Filmed for Basque documentary in Ireland
Jo Berry and Patrick Magee visited Corrymeela in Ireland where they were filmed for a Basque documentary.
Corrymela is a special peace centre which means so much to me. Jo Berry
Corrymeela is Northern Ireland’s oldest peace and reconciliation organisation. We began before “The Troubles” and continue on in Northern Ireland’s changing post–conflict society. The organisation grew organically from the original Community members, and today almost 40 full–time staff and dozens of volunteers work alongside the eleven thousand people who spend time in our residential centre every year.
Many of the volunteers have been working on the site for decades, generously giving time and service to the work. The Community of Corrymeela has grown too, with 150 members, 50 associate members and thousands of friends around the globe.
Read More: http://www.corrymeela.org/