Hope After Trauma

Hope After Trauma

Please join the online event where Jo Berry is on  a panel to talk about Hope After Trauma. The event is organised by The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (SVRU) and all are welcome.

Be part of our remote audience on Wednesday 27th May 2020 to watch the inspirational Father Gregory Boyle, Jo Berry and Paul Gray discuss Hope After Trauma and the psychological impact of what is occurring now.

Hosted by SVRU Head Niven Rennie, this free event is open to absolutely everyone. Individuals, community groups, academia, public bodies – anyone with an interest in hearing more about hope after trauma.

Date: Wednesday 27th May 2020

Time: 4pm – 5:30pm (BST)

Registration: There is no need to book a place. To watch the event live go to our Facebook page: The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit @actiononviolence

Give us your questions to put to the panel. If there is something you would like to ask them simply send us a message before the 27th May via Facebook or Twitter or email suzanne.classsvru@gmail.com


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