Corrymeela in Exeter Weekend
17 – 18 Nov 2018
Hope in Conflict – Saturday 17th November with Pádraig Ó Tuama.
Venue: The Alumni Auditorium, The Forum, on Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, EX4 4PT.
Registration at 9.30am for 10am start, finishes at 4.15pm.
Open to those of all faiths and none.
A summary of the Programme is available HERE.
Discover creative ways to deal with conflict, from practitioners in different contexts: including Jo Berry, Jude Taylorson, Louisa Burnand, Jayme Reaves, Rev Jonathan Herbert and Brother Hugh and Rev Simon Taylor (more details in the downloadable programme above).
The keynote address by Pádraig is followed by panel discussion, then break–out groups where speakers will tell their own stories and lead discussions.
Tickets are available HERE.
(Ticket price:£20/£10 for students)
The Multifaith Chaplaincy in Exeter University is hosting this event alongside the South West Corrymeela Group.