The Corrymeela Community is delighted to invite you to participate in our first annual Carafest which will take place over Easter Weekend 14–17 April 2017 at our stunning location in Ballycastle.
Jo Berry and Patrick Magee are speaking twice during the weekend of the 14th to 17th April. Corrymeela has fifty years of experience working alongside fractured communities and groups who are finding their relationships difficult, as well as addressing relational, societal, structural and power dynamics. In the words of Corrymeela, ‘We begin everything with a welcome’. Corrymeela is an open village for all people of good will. If you would like to join us on a journey of discovery, join us on a journey of storytelling about the fractures in our world and join us on a journey of discovering how best we can live well together, please be in touch. For tickets, see here.